Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Effin Birthday To Me!!

And I seriously mean that too. I just have to say last night was one of the best nights I've had in AGES (also the most drunk I've been since perhaps first year?) On top of being my birthday, it was also the last day of classes, I had finally got my term paper, and it was our RLS banquet. Banquet was great, everyone looked fantastic and the dinner was delicious, but then it was time to head back for some after banquet/birthday festivities.

Thanks to certain friends (Madeleine included) I was drunk before I even wen to the bar. There's something about: Friend: oh thats not strong enough Me:-adds some more vodka to my coke- here, is that better Friend: -takes a sip- I can approve of that. Me: damnit but now I can taste the alcohol so I need to drink it fast -chugs drink- that gets you drunk pretty past. We ended up downtown at a bar that is a tradition for us to go to after banquet, and I tested the waters a bit, managing to dance with one of the hottest boys on our staff, before we ended up heading out to another bar.

I went up to buy myself the only drink i spent my own money on all evening, and there was a boy a the barn who, drunkenly hit on me. I amused him for a little bit than wandered back to Madeleine and some of my other friends. I contemplated going back and bringing the boy from the bar back to the dance floor, so with a help of a little social support behind me, I got him to come to the dance floor and well... things just kinda happened from there -insert blushing face here-. Not only did I get to actually dance with someone he kinda sorta made out (well I'm not sure if it was exactly 'making out' but he did kiss me multiple times, with tongue too :P)

I realize that to some of you this might not sound like a big deal, but man am I still walking on a cloud. For some reason (and i'm not religious but it must have been the grace of God or something... or the fact that I went to the gym before getting ready for banquet which may have given an increase in endorphins) I felt fantastic. I thought I looked good and thus my confidence was over my head that night. May I mention, that this is the first time anything like this situation has ever happened to me. Talk about a confidence boost. Rumor has it we're going out again next week, so maybe I'll find someone else next week :D


  1. So glad I was a part of your happiness last night!!!!!!!!!!!! Girl, you fucking rocked last night, dancing with hot boys and scoring a number? SEXY!!!
    Also, I like the new layout!

  2. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a blast of a night w/ Madeleine! lol. Hope next week goes just as well.

  3. Happy Birthday! You're right, I feel the same way after the gym. Hangovers can bit a bit of a pain in the ass, but most times it's totally worth it.

  4. Thanks guys, the comments are much appreciated. Can't wait for this coming weekend :D
